Monday, March 7, 2011

Jarabe de Palo

On Friday night, I went to a concert with Danielle- my good friend and future roommate at Illinois. We saw Jarabe de Palo (pronounced har-a-bay de pa-lo) in concert at the Antique Theatro in Sevilla. Jarabe de Palo is a Spanish rock band that is sort of a mix between John Mayer, Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews Band style music. I had never heard of them before, but Danielle actively listens to them and was looking for someone to join her. So I did. 

All of their music is in Spanish, and it was a very Spanish crowd there. It was fun to get away from the swarm of American students in Sevilla and be at a truly Spanish concert. And it was a great concert as well! Here are some pictures from the concert:

The concert started at 10:30 and they played for a little less than two hours. There was no opening act, like they always have in the States. There was, however, an encore. They came out and played a few more songs, ending on a disco number with flashing glasses that was quite strange and didn't fit in with their style at all (picture below). But I loved that the lead signer was weaing a Rolling Stones t-shirt- he was quite obviously influenced by a lot of English-singing rock artists, although his music is all in Spanish. 

It's been fun to tell people that I was at his concert- he is symbolic in Spanish culture, and a lot of people are jealous that we were able to attend. Also, as we found out later that night, the Antique Theatro is one of the top discotecas in Sevilla. On a typical night, to enter your clothing labels are checked at the door to ensure that you are dressed well enough to enter. So I'm glad we were able to see a concert there, because I'm sure they'll never let me through the doors again. And I probably couldn't afford to anyways- Danielle and I each bought one drink at the bar and they were 9 euros each! I would have to trade a night there for a weekend traveling. So it looks like that will be my only visit. 

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